New address: 380 rue Fortin, Québec, G1M 1B1 and new opening hours
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Sales manager
418 527-2549 #283
Send an email
Sales representative
418 527-2549 #244
418 527-2549 #223
Sales representative - Montréal
418-527-2549 #340
Production manager
418 527-2549 #325
Production assistant manager
418 527-2549 #237
Purchasing manager & Production specialist
418 527-2549 #321
Technical draftsman
418 527-2549 #231
Technical designer
418 527-2549 #222
President & Privacy officer
418 527-2549 #230
General manager
418 527-2549 #241
Administrative manager
418 527-2549 #323
Administrative officer
418 527-2549 #221
Billing & Accounts receivable
418 527-2549 #121